what to do in times like these? where injustices are so blatant and it feels as if there is nothing to be done to fix it. if you are anything like me, it literally hurts your heart when good is not chosen and made evident for all. it is through this pain and suffering that another way has to be birthed. these labor pains we feel should not discourage us. they may anger us... they may frighten us...they may push us to our breaking point. however we must get through them and after that we will be able to do anything. this is the twilight to our great rising eastern sun.
how do we live and strive to change these wrongs in our world, when it feels so thick and heavy and prevelant? it feels like trying to sweep a grain of sand knowing there is a whole beach to tend to. how to not get burned up with rage or overwhelmed with sadness due to all that is taking place? this is where the key to liberation exisits and i do not know the answer. collectively we will answer each other.
picking one thing to focus our energy and heart on is the call to action. from that one thing we can point an arrow towards justice and make a difference towards the bettermment of humanity. we can then fortify our spirits with the life force that enables us to keep thriving.
what if we all truly focused on one thing that really mattered to us? if you had to pick one thing to be your life purpose missson what would it be? you have the power to do this. feeling the abundance of our personal power is one way to fight injustice. tapping into it and channeling it towards good is one way to feel purposeful. this is our choicepoint.
guide and ignite. we need to gather all our good energies collectively. let's feed each other this energy as it were the most nourishing bone broth and remind each other why we are here.